Spooky Tales: Haunted Chapters

We like to joke that our chapter in Peoria is haunted, as evident through our completely goofy/lame Halloween movies each year, but some chapters are reportedly haunted for real.

Anaheim, CA

The former caretaker is said to haunt this historic Red Cross house in Anaheim. I guess people feel uncomfortable in the room where the children lived and the eyes of a portrait are said to follow you.  Also, according to legend, when a man and a woman walk up the steps to the second floor, the ghost of the house’s original caretaker will push them together if he considers them to be a perfect couple.

Red Cross House (Historically the Residence of John G. Woelke)

Red Cross House (Historically the Residence of John G. Woelke)

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This is what happens when you do the ice bucket challenge at work

So I was challenged, and because my son was gone last night and my boyfriend would have thought I was insane, I decided that I would take the #IceBucketChallenge at work.  Originally, I only asked 2 people to help — one to dump and one to film — but low and behold, we had helpers coming out of the woodwork to assist. Maybe it was because they are just nice people… or possibly it was to deliver some payback??

I will let you be the judge. (Because, of course, someone else decided to film it on his phone. WARNING: His cell didn’t sync the action with the voices.)


That was my dear friend that thought we didn’t have enough ice in the bucket.
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Finally Friday! Halloween!

One of the stars from our movie each year… the creepy Harley puppet. We call it this because it looks WAY too much like one of our staffers named Harley

Its Friday… we made it!

In honor of Halloween this week, I am posting our super fab Halloween Part IV chapter movie.  This, my friends, is what we do every year after hours.  This year it features my creepy basement.

So kick up your feet and watch this 6 minute treasure… Click here for the awesomeness!