Pinning is winning, are you prepping on Pinterest?

All September, the Red Cross talks about preparedness.  We tweet it, we preach it, and, yes, sometimes we even pin it. Whatever it takes, we want you to be prepared for anything that comes your way.

Now, you may be thinking, “I only pin recipes, fashion options and craft ideas I will never actually do.  Is there even preparedness stuff on there?” And to that question we say, “Why yes there is!”

Zombie apocalypse? Got it covered!

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5 Ways to Make September the Best Month Ever

September is kind of a blah month if you think about it.  The summer is unofficially over and no holidays September offers can compare to the ones ahead.  So in sympathy to this “meh” month, I have compiled a list to quite possibly make this the BEST. MONTH. EVER!

1. Lose the clutter. Summer is full of fun activities, so it is easy to let the stuff pile up.  Take a weekend to tidy up and get organized before school gets in full swing and the holidays arrive. Also, without all the access stuff, you will be able to find the perfect place to put this…

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Winter is coming

Game of Thrones… This is a show that I avoided watching for three years because I somehow knew that I would love it.  I bit the bullet one night last month when I was trying my hand at insomnia.  I have now watched all three seasons.  Sadly, I joined the motley crew of GoT junkies that have Pinterest boards dedicated to the show because they cannot wait for HBO to premiere season 4 in the spring.

But what to do now? It’s September and spring is so far off! Well, you can think like a Tully… “Family. Duty. Honor.”

During the month of September, the Red Cross suggests that you think of your family preparedness because the Starks were very right… “Winter is coming”.  It is time to make a disaster kit and to get your family ready for potential “Ice and Fire” situations like winter storms and power outages.  But what actually goes in a kit?

FYI, nothing “level 4” is required in a disaster kit, though I suppose the “Red Wedding” wouldn’t have been so red if Robb Stark had some level 4 nun-chucks.

If you have never watched Game of Thrones, you probably have no idea what I am talking about with all these quotation marks so lets just cut to the chase, here’s the list of items you need to have readily available should the unexpected happen.  And if you are really feeling motivated, go to to make a disaster plan for your home.   Once you have your plan, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for winter, ice, fire (and other non Game of Thrones disasters).