What Does the Fox Say: Ending a successful year and career

This is the final word from Anne M. Fox, Regional Chief Executive Officer.  After 31 years of service to the Red Cross, Anne will be retiring at the end of the month.

Anne Fox is the Regional Chief Executive Officer and oversees 5 chapters and 45 counties across central Illinois and northeast Missouri.

Anne Fox is the Regional Chief Executive Officer and oversees 5 chapters and 45 counties across central Illinois and northeast Missouri.

This special Fiscal Year-End Management Report recounts the achievements of an amazing year. The region’s volunteers, staff and board members reached out farther and faster and longer than ever before in response to a more devastating disaster than any of us could have imagined. Even with a disaster of unprecedented strength and scope, the Red Cross was there to meet every need and provide our services when and where they were needed across the region. Continue reading

What Does the Fox Say… Heroes in our midst

Anne Fox is the Regional Chief Executive Officer and oversees 5 chapters and 45 counties across central Illinois and northeast Missouri.

Anne Fox is the Regional Chief Executive Officer and oversees 5 chapters and 45 counties across central Illinois and northeast Missouri.

March is a time of hope and renewal. It’s also Red Cross Month. Since 1943, the U.S. President has proclaimed March as a time for the nation to support the work of the Red Cross.

That’s why this month we are celebrating the everyday heroes – our friends, neighbors, and family members – who dedicate their time to keep our communities safe year round. Whether they’re providing first aid training, responding to a house fire, or serving meals to families affected by emergencies, they make every month brighter.

And by reading this, you’re a hero, too. Every Red Cross friend makes it possible for us to prevent and relieve suffering around the country and communicate our mission to our community. I hope you’ll join me in celebrating Red Cross Month and become a local hero with the Red Cross by signing up for a class, making an appointment to give blood, becoming a local volunteer, preparing your family for disasters down the road or supporting local Red Cross services.

Happy Red Cross Month!