The Evil Force is Upon Us

Webster’s Dictionary defines humidity as “an evil force that arrives in central Illinois each summer.  Causing countless women to wear hats or just simply give up on looking decent until fall”. Okay, so that’s a lie… It is my definition of the calamity that hits central Illinois every summer.  I know that when things in life are unavoidable, it is important to be prepared, and being the good Red Crosser that I am…

My arsenal of anti-frizz products.

My arsenal of anti-frizz products.

Maybe I am overreacting, but take today for example. I was having a great hair day.  My curly locks just fell into place, and I thought, “This is going to be a great week! The universe seems to just be smiling on me”.  But then I walked outside.  The humid air hit me like a sledge hammer, and this was the result…

Too bad my phone didn't have a panoramic lens so you could see the full glory of the fro.

Too bad my phone didn’t have a panoramic lens so you could see the full glory of the fro.

I suppose it could be worse.  If I hadn’t got a haircut last weekend then my hair could have been astronomically huge.

All hair woes aside, summer is a lot of fun.  Boating, pool outings and cook outs are the perfect way to relax.  But now that the temps are soaring near 90, it is time to think about being prepared for the heat.

  1. Wear light-weight, light colored clothing to stay cooler.
  2. Drink plenty of water to ensure you stay hydrated.
  3. Rock the sunscreen to protect from burns.
  4. Be sure that your pet has access to the shade and a constant source of water.
  5. Limit strenuous activity to the coolest part of the day.
  6. Check on your elderly neighbors who are more susceptible to heat related illness.

So slap on some sunscreen, grab a water bottle, slip on some flip flops and, of course, throw on a hat, because its summer. Enjoy it safely!

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