A Salute

This poem was written and submitted by Leanna Harris, Regional Data Specialist.  While she is our numbers/database girl, she has a flair for words!

If only Anne Fox had been teasing

The news of it has been unpleasing

On that sorrowful day

It grieved her to say

“The time has come for my leaving.”

“OH NO!” rang out thru the hall

“Not again?!” was echoed by all

But this time we all knew

OH MY GOD…it is true

She’s going to answer this call.

This calling had buzzed her before

Said “Hello” to what was in store

When the call was complete

As she rose to her feet

A chapter in life blocked the door.

Some nurturing the Red Cross still needed

Who better than Anne Fox to feed it?

Out a meal she did carve

So her “child” would not starve

The recipe left funds undepleted.

This leg of her journey has ended

Her blazing of trails commended

Learn all that you can

While you have her on hand

Resignation this time not rescinded.

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