5 Ways to Make September the Best Month Ever

September is kind of a blah month if you think about it.  The summer is unofficially over and no holidays September offers can compare to the ones ahead.  So in sympathy to this “meh” month, I have compiled a list to quite possibly make this the BEST. MONTH. EVER!

1. Lose the clutter. Summer is full of fun activities, so it is easy to let the stuff pile up.  Take a weekend to tidy up and get organized before school gets in full swing and the holidays arrive. Also, without all the access stuff, you will be able to find the perfect place to put this…

2. Connect with your loved ones.  After a summer of non-stop action, you may have lost touch with your family and friends. With cooler evenings, September is a perfect time to enjoy a nice bonfire and reconnect.  Unsure what to talk about? Maybe you can discuss your family disaster plan, or ask a friend to be an emergency contact?

3. Refresh your closet.  Soon these balmy days will be replaced with cool, crisp nights, and there is nothing worse than having to dig through a box for a sweatshirt on the fly. So make time to clean out your closet and bring out your fall clothes. But before you donate items, make sure you add that extra pair of tennis shoes to your kit.

It may seem weird to add these to your kit, but imagine walking through rubble in your slippers.

It may seem weird to add these to your kit, but imagine walking through rubble in your slippers.

4. Do something random.  Dedicate a Saturday to getting out of your zip code for a few hours.  It may seem frivolous with the cost of gas, but your day trip can also serve a purpose.  Everyone needs a predetermined place to go to in case of an evacuation, so pick a place on the map and drive one route on the way there and another route on the way back. Enjoy fall foliage, festivals or even antiquing while preparing for potential disasters.

Who knew that you could enjoy breathtaking views while preparing your family?

Who knew that you could enjoy breathtaking views while preparing your family?

5. Enjoy the outdoors.  After a summer of appreciating your flowers and garden, now is the time to start preparing for the next season.  Transplant perennials, weed flower beds and put up items that could get blown around in the winter wind like lawn furniture and unused pots.

Taking some time to work on your garden in the fall will help ensure a beautiful spring.  And removing items that can blow around ensures no projectile objects in winter storms.

Taking some time to work on your garden in the fall will help ensure a beautiful spring. And removing items that can blow around ensures no projectile objects in winter storms.

So there you have it.  Five simple, fun things to do that will prepare you not only for the coming season, but also for disasters.  And if you find that September still isn’t the best month ever, then at least this list can keep you distracted until October!

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